Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* tma.c Defines TMA support services */
00002 #include <stdlib.h>
00003 #include <string.h>
00004 #include <unistd.h>
00005 #include <limits.h>
00006 #include "nortlib.h"
00007 #include "tmctime.h"
00008 #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00009   #include "nl_cons.h"
00010 #endif
00011 #include "tma.h"
00012 #include "oui.h"
00013 char rcsid_tma_c[] = 
00014   "$Header: /cvsroot/arp-das/QNX6/tmlib/src/tma.c,v 1.2 2008/08/20 22:01:12 ntallen Exp $";
00016 tma_prtn *tma_partitions = NULL;
00017 long int tma_runbasetime = 0L;
00018 int tma_is_holding = 0;
00020 /*
00021 >Command Text Goes Here
00022 Initialize        Holding   Next: 00:00:00  State: 00:00:00  Run: 00:00:00
00024 */
00026 void tma_time(tma_prtn *p, unsigned int col, long int t) {
00027   char ts[9];
00028   int hh, h;
00030   if (p->row >= 0) {
00031     #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00032         ts[8] = '\0';
00033         hh = t % 60;
00034         h = hh % 10;
00035         ts[7] = h+'0';
00036         ts[6] = hh/10 + '0';
00037         ts[5] = ':';
00038         t /= 60;
00039         hh = t % 60;
00040         h = hh % 10;
00041         ts[4] = h+'0';
00042         ts[3] = hh/10 + '0';
00043         ts[2] = ':';
00044         t /= 60;
00045         hh = t % 100;
00046         h = hh % 10;
00047         ts[1] = h+'0';
00048         ts[0] = hh/10 + '0';
00049         nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, col, ts, TMA_ATTR);
00050     #endif
00051   }
00052 }
00054 static void update_holding(tma_prtn *p) {
00055   #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00056   if (p->row >= 0)
00057         nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, HOLDING_COL,
00058           tma_is_holding ? "Holding" : "       ", HOLDING_ATTR);
00059   #endif
00060 }
00062 void tma_hold(int hold) {
00063   int i, update;
00065   update = 0;
00066   if (hold) {
00067         if (! tma_is_holding) {
00068           tma_is_holding = 1;
00069           update = 1;
00070         }
00071   } else {
00072         if (tma_is_holding) {
00073           tma_is_holding = 0;
00074           update = 1;
00075         }
00076   }
00077   #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00078   if (update)
00079         for (i = 0; i < tma_n_partitions; i++) update_holding(&tma_partitions[i]);
00080   #endif
00081 }
00083 void tma_new_state(unsigned int partition, const char *name) {
00084   tma_prtn *p;
00086   if (partition < tma_n_partitions) {
00087         int log_level = -2;
00088         if ( *name == '_' ) {
00089           name++;
00090           log_level--;
00091         }
00092         nl_error( log_level, "%sEntering State %s", ci_time_str(), name );
00093         p = &tma_partitions[partition];
00094         p->basetime = (tma_runbasetime == 0L) ? 0L : itime();
00095         p->lastcheck = p->basetime;
00096         p->nexttime = 0;
00097         #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00098         if (p->row >= 0) {
00099           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, STATE_COL,
00100                 "  State: ", TMA_ATTR);
00101           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, RUN_COL,
00102                 "  Run: ", TMA_ATTR);
00103           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, SNAME_COL,
00104                 "                            Next:         ", TMA_ATTR);
00105           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, SNAME_COL,
00106                 name, TMA_ATTR);
00107           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row + 1, RUNTIME_COL,
00108                 RUNTIME_STRING, TMA_ATTR);
00109           update_holding(p);
00110           tma_time(p, STATETIME_COL, 0);
00111         }
00112         #endif
00113   }
00114 }
00116 /* specify the next significant time for a partition */
00117 void tma_next_cmd(unsigned int partn, const char *next_cmd) {
00118   #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00119   tma_prtn *p;
00120   const char *txt;
00121   int len;
00123   if (partn < tma_n_partitions) {
00124         p = &tma_partitions[partn];
00125         if (p->row >= 0) {
00126           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row, 0, ">", TMA_ATTR);
00127           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row, 1,
00128                 "                                        "
00129                 "                                       ", CMD_ATTR);
00130           len = strlen(next_cmd);
00131           if (len > 79) txt = next_cmd + (len - 79);
00132           else txt = next_cmd;
00133           nlcon_display(p->console, p->row, 1, txt, CMD_ATTR);
00134         }
00135   }
00136   #endif
00137 }
00139 void tma_init_options(int argc, char **argv) {
00140   int c, con_index, part_index;
00142   tma_partitions = malloc(sizeof(tma_prtn) * tma_n_partitions);
00143   if (tma_partitions == NULL)
00144         nl_error(3, "No memory for partitions table");
00145   for (c = 0; c < tma_n_partitions; c++) {
00146         tma_partitions[c].row = -1;
00147         tma_partitions[c].cmds = NULL;
00148         tma_partitions[c].next_cmd = -1;
00149         tma_partitions[c].waiting = 0;
00150         tma_partitions[c].next_str = NULL;
00151   }
00153   optind = OPTIND_RESET; /* start from the beginning */
00154   opterr = 0; /* disable default error message */
00155   con_index = 0;
00156   part_index = 0;
00157   while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, opt_string)) != -1) {
00158         switch (c) {
00159           #if HAVE_NL_CONS_H
00160           case 'a': /* move on to the next console */
00161                 con_index++;
00162                 break;
00163           case 'r':
00164                 if (part_index < tma_n_partitions) {
00165                   tma_partitions[part_index].row = atoi(optarg);
00166                   tma_partitions[part_index].console = con_index;
00167                   part_index++;
00168                 }
00169                 break;
00170           #endif
00171           case '?':
00172                 nl_error(3, "Unrecognized Option -%c", optopt);
00173         }
00174   }
00175 }
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