James G. Anderson's Publications

Wilmouth, D. M., T. F. Hanisco, N. M. Donahue, and J. G. Anderson, Fourier Transform ultraviolet spectroscopy of the A 23/2 ← X 23/2transition of BrO. J. Phys. Chem. A103, 8935–8945, 1999.

The first spectra of the A 2Π3/2 ← X 2Π3/2 electronic transition of BrO using Fourier transform ultraviolet spectroscopy are obtained. Broadband vibrational spectra acquired at 298 ± 2 K and 228 ± 5 K, as well as high-resolution rotational spectra of the A ← X 7,0 and 12,0 vibrational bands are presented. Wavenumber positions for the spectra are obtained with high accuracy,...

Anderson, J. G., H. J. Grassl, R. E. Shetter, and J. J. Margitan, Stratospheric free chlorine measured by balloon-borne in situ resonance fluorescence, J. Geophys. Res. 85, 2869–87, 1980. [doi:10.1029/JC085iC05p02869]

Eight balloon-borne in situ measurements of ClO in the stratosphere are presented. Six of the observations, which were carried out close to local noon, are compared with recent model calculations at the appropriate latitude (32°N), altitude (25–45 km), and solar zenith angle interval (10° < χ < 55°). The ClO mixing ratio by volume observed on four flights between the autumnal equinox and...
