Dr. Mark F. Witinski completed his doctorate in chemical physics at Cornell University in 2006, where his work centered on using molecular beams and laser spectroscopy to examine the dynamics of molecular collisions, particularly those involving free radicals. He has since spent six years as a Research Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Anderson. Mark is focused on innovative approaches to Mid-IR spectroscopy using Quantum Cascade Lasers such as the detection of stable carbon isotopes using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (ICOS) and wavelength modulated laser spectroscopy. He is currently leading a collaboration with Jet Propulsion Laboratory that seeks to advance mid-infrared laser technology such as optical parametric generation for enabling new applications in atmospheric science. In 2010, Mark earned a Fulbright Senior Scholarship to perform laser-based analysis of trace gases and aerosols in the Amazon rainforest.
Outside of the lab, Mark enjoys skiing, running, Buffalo sports teams, and reading old dusty fiction, and taking pictures.