TMCALGO V2R1: Algorithm Compiler


  • 0.0: Introduction
  • 1.0: Invocation
  • 2.0: Writing Algorithms
  • 3.0: Compiling and Running Algorithms
  • 4.0: Common Strategies
  • 5.0: Debugging Algorithms
  • 6.0: Reference
  • A.0: Syntax

0.0: Introduction

In the ARP Data Acquisition Architecture, TMCALGO is the tool that closes the gap between data collection and process control. It provides a concise language to monitor and manipulate data, make decisions and issue commands. As such, it is the focus of most of the development and many of the ongoing changes in an experiment.

TMCALGO is built upon the groundwork laid by TMC and CMDGEN. The algorithm is compiled to TMC code, and instrument commands are specified using the same syntax as is used for interactive commands. Integration of the algorithm into the software architecture is entirely via QNX messages, allowing the algorithm to run either locally on the experiment's computer or remotely on a GSE computer.

Algorithms can take advantage of the architecture's ability to replay logged data, allowing for detailed analysis and debugging. This can also be used to verify algorithm changes against previously logged data, to help guarantee that normal operations will not be altered.

1.0: Invocation

    tmcalgo [options] [files]
            -k             Keep output file (.c) even on error
            -o <filename>  Send .tmc output to named file
            -v             Produce Debug Messages
            -q             Show this help message
            -w             Give error return on warnings
            -C <node>      Look for command server on specified node
            -D <filename>  Write DOT specification to named file

Return to Manuals Guide. Written by Norton T. Allen

last updated: Thu Jan 2 10:56:38 2003
Copyright 2002 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College