A TMC Preprocessor
Interfacing to RTG

RTG_REPORT( <name>, X, Y );
Produces initialization for rtg and translates the current statement into the appropriate syntax for rtg_report(). This statement may appear wherever an rtg_report() call could be, possible nested inside other TMC statements.
RTG_REPORT( <name>[ <const> ], X, Y );
Defines an array of channels and an index variable. The index variable can be incremented via the RTG_INCREMENT( <name> ) command.
RTG_INCREMENT( <name> );
Increments the index associated with specified <name>. <name> must have been referenced as an array, or this instruction will generate a no-op.
RTG_SCAN( <state>, <name>[ <const> ], X, Y);
Generates all TMC commands necessary to display the associated data in scans identified by the specified < state> variable. Whenever the <state> is validated, the scan index is incremented. The RTG_SCAN() statement itself is placed inside a TMC statement depending on the specified <state>. As such, the entire statement must fall on one line of the source file and should not be nested inside other statements, as is possible with RTG_REPORT().
RTG_TIME_SCAN( <state>, <name>[ <const> ], Y );
This is the same as RTG_SCAN() except that the X coordinate is implicitly time since the <state> was validated. TMG2TMC generates time base initialization automatically.

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