Solenoid Cycle Definitions v3.0



Solenoid Cycles are specified in a text file. The format of this file is designed to be simple yet flexible, providing the experimenter with all the standard capabilities for solenoid control in a self documenting style. The solenoid file allows the definition of any number of modes of operation at possibly different time resolutions.


To illustrate the use of the solenoid format, I will define a cycle to drive two solenoids in a four second cycle with a resolution of 1/4 second. First, we must define the two solenoids. I will call them A and B.
        solenoid A 22 23 14
        solenoid B 24 25 15
The first line defines A to be a solenoid and specifies that command 22 will open A, 23 will close it, and status bit 14 will report its state. Similarly, the second line associates B with commands 24 and 25 and status bit 15.

Next, we specify the time resolution we want:

        resolution = 1/4
Now we are ready to specify the solenoid cycles:
        mode 0 {
          A: OOOO:OO__:____:__OO
          B: ____:_OOO:____:____
This command defines the actual solenoid positions for mode 0. The character `O' represents an open solenoid valve and the character `_' represents a closed valve. Solenoid A starts out open and remains open for one and a half seconds, then stays closed for two seconds, when it reopens. B starts closed and opens 1/4 of a second before A closes, and then stays open for only 3/4 of a second. The length of the cycle is implicit in this definition. The format of the mode command is fairly flexible. If all the information doesn't fit on one line, it may be continued on another line simply by beginning the new line with the solenoid name and a colon. This continuation does not have to appear immediately after its predecessor, since the name makes it clear to which sequence the data belongs. Hence, we could add another four seconds to this mode with the command:
        mode 0 {
          A: OOOO:OO__:____:__OO
          B: ____:_OOO:____:____

          A: OOOO:OO__:___O:_O_O
          B: ____:_OOO:OOO_:O_O_
It is also possible to change the characters which designate open and closed valves by using the commands:
        open = '<open character>'
        close = '<close character>'
The solenoids we have used so far are commanded by two strobed commands. In practice, these don't have to be solenoids at all, but any device which is commanded with two strobed commands. Although solenoids are a very common application, soldrv has been used to command heaters and other devices as well. Sometimes, however, cycling of devices which aren't controlled by strobed commands is desired. Soldrv has two additional features to support more complicated devices: set points and proxies. Analog set points are defined using the DtoA command. For example:
        DtoA C 0E10 { L:50 M:1000 H:4000 }
defines an analog control named `C' using the D/A channel at address 0E10 which has three values designated `L', `M' and `H'. When a particular set point is specified, the corresponding value is written out to the channel's address. These set points can be used in a mode just like `O' and `_' for solenoids:
        mode 1 {
Proxies provide the most general control capability by allowing soldrv to communicate with other control programs. The syntax for proxy definitions is similar to that for DtoA definitions:
        Proxy D { L:3 M:4 H:7 }
The numbers associated with each state are proxy ID numbers. These must be unique for all proxy states in the file and must match the proxy IDs used by the associated control programs. At runtime, the associated control program contacts soldrv to register a proxy using the ID number (e.g. "Here's a proxy for ID 3"). Until the proxy is registered, cycling a proxy element will do nothing. Once the proxy is registered, a change in state specified in the mode definition (Changing from say `L' to `M') will cause soldrv to trigger the proxy associated with the new state.

Proxies are used on the ER-2 OH experiment to drive the laser on and off line. The laser is actually controlled by the indexer control program. That program must register the appropriate proxies with soldrv before the laser can be cycled.

There is one other significant character on a cycle definition line. This is the "switch character" which is permanently defined as the caret (^). The switch character is used to identify good points for mode changes. By carefully placing switch characters within your solenoid cycles, you can guarantee that each cycle will run to completion before an alternate mode is selected.

You may add any other characters as desired to make the text more readable. In the above examples, I used colons to designate whole seconds. The main limitation on the mode specification is that the cycles specified for each of the solenoids must be of the same length.

Solenoids which are not being cycled may be set to defined positions by use of the initialize command. If at the beginning of Mode 0 above we typed:

        initialize A:O
solenoid A would be initialized to an open position whenever Mode 0 was selected.

There are an arbitrary number of possible modes. Each mode consists of initializations and/or cycle definitions. An undefined mode performs neither initializations nor cycles. Conversely, a mode that does neither is considered undefined. A mode with no cycle defined performs any specified initializations and then waits for another mode to be selected. Hence, initializations may be considered the "d.c. component" of a mode definition.

In addition to initializations and cycle definition lines, a mode may contain the command:

        select <MODE-NUMBER>
where <MODE-NUMBER> is the number of the desired mode. When the cycling program reaches this command, it will select the new mode as if that mode had been selected from the command line or a flight algorithm. The select command must be the last command in a mode. A mode that ends with this command does not actually cycle, but rather executes its instructions once and then selects the new mode.


solenoid <solenoid name> <open> <close> <status>
This command identifies a solenoid by giving it a name and defining the discrete commands which will open and close it and the status bit which will report its current position. < open> and <close> are the respective discrete command numbers. <status> is the status bit number, usually a non-negative integer less than 32.
DtoA <DtoA name> <address> { <Set Points> }
DtoA defines a digital to analog converter for set point selection. Like the solenoids, each D/A channel is given a name and the subbus address is specified. Unlike the solenoids, the D/A channels may have more than two states. Each entry within the curly braces defines a single set point by specifying a character and a value (C:<value>). The value is an unsigned decimal integer within the range of the D/A converter. The set point characters defined with this statement are local to a particular D/A channel and may be reused in other D/A channels as desired.
Proxy <Proxy name> { <Set Points> }
Proxy defines a device which is controlled through proxies. Each state of the device has a proxy ID associated with it. When a state is specified, the associated proxy is triggered. Proxy IDs must be less then 256. (see Tutorial for an example.)
open = '<open character>'
close = '<close character>'
These two commands define the characters which are used in all the solenoid mode definitions to indicate opened and closed solenoids. The default character for open is `O' and for closed is `_'.
status_bytes { <addresses> }
This command allows for the specification of the addresses of the status bytes. The addresses are hexadecimal integers. The default addresses are 408, 40A, 411, and 413 which correspond to the status input ports on the digital input board used on the ER-2 ClO and ABLE-3A experiments. These are not the addresses used on ABLE-3B which uses the new digio board. Any functionality associated with this command is purely imaginary. The syntax is maintained for compatibility alone.
resolution = <number>/<number>
Resolution defines the time quantum for the following modes in fractions of a second.
mode <number> { <mode defs> }
routine <routine name> { <valving defs> }
Mode and routine define the actual solenoid cycles which will be executable. The numbers associated with a mode are the numbers which will actually be used to invoke a particular mode long after all the mnemonics have been stripped away. Routines are a simple form of subroutine useful in mode definitions. Solfmt produces an in-line compilation of routines within modes and does not allow for any nesting of routines or recursion.
select <mode number>
This command is used within a mode or routine to indicate that soldrv should switch immediately to the indicated mode. This is useful for calibration modes which do not need to cycle, but can automatically switch over to the operational mode upon completion.

Solenoid File Syntax

This section precisely defines the syntax of the solenoid file.

The solenoid file consists of any number of commands:

      : [ command ... ]

      : solenoid <SOL-NAME> <NUMBER> <NUMBER> <NUMBER>
      : DtoA <SET-NAME> <ADDRESS> { Set-Point [ Set-Point ... ] }
      : Proxy <SET-NAME> { Set-Point [ Set-Point ... ] }
      : open = '<open-character>'
      : close = '<close-character>'
      : status_bytes { [ <ADDRESS> ... ] }
      : resolution =  <NUMBER>/<NUMBER>
      : mode <MODE-NUMBER> { mode-defs }
      : routine <routine-name> { routine-defs }

      :  null
      :  <routine-name> mode-defs
      :  valving-def mode-defs
      :  select <MODE-NUMBER>

      :  null
      :  valving-def routine-defs
      :  select <MODE-NUMBER>

      :  initialize <SOL-NAME> : solenoid-character
      :  initialize <SET-NAME> : set-character
      :  <SOL-NAME> : [ solenoid-character ... ]
      :  <SET-NAME> : [ set-character ... ]

      : <open-character>
      : <close-character>
      : <switch-character>
      : <fill-character>

      : <set-point-character>
      : <switch-character>
      : <fill-character>

      : <set-point-character> : <NUMBER>

.sft File Format

A .sft file is the output of the solfmt program. It may be thought of as a sequence of structures defined as follows:
        int version;
        char command_set;
        int n_solenoids;
        struct {
          int open_cmd;
          int close_cmd;
          int status_addr;
          int status_mask;
        } solenoids[n_solenoids];
        int n_set_points;
        struct {
          int address;
          int value;
        } set_points[n_set_points];
        int n_proxies;
        unsigned char proxy_ids[n_proxies];
        int n_modes;
        int mode_indices[n_modes];
        int n_bytes;
        char mode_codes[n_bytes];
version specifies the version of both the solfmt program and the solenoid driver program in BCD. Version 2.0 is designated by the hex value 0200. If the solenoid driver program reads in a .sft file and finds that the version number is different, an error should be reported. An exception might be that between version 2.0 and 3.0 the n_proxies was added. Soldrv V3.0 should probably recognize V2.0 programs, simply setting n_proxies to 0.

n_solenoids is the total number of solenoids that have been defined.

For each defined solenoid, the open_cmd, close_cmd, status_addr, and status_mask are recorded. The open_cmd and close_cmd are the numbers for the discrete commands that open and close the solenoid. The associated status bit may be found by anding the status_mask with the contents of subbus address status_addr.

n_set_points is the total number of set points which have been defined. Each set point is defined by a subbus address and the value that should be written out to that address.

n_proxies is the total number of proxies defined. proxy_ids contain the IDs for the proxies.

n_modes is the maximum mode number defined plus one. mode_indices is an array of pointers into the mode_codes array indicating where the program for that mode begins.

n_bytes determines the length of the mode_codes array. The mode_codes array itself is a simple compiled code for operating the solenoid cycles. There are five command codes defined as follows:

SOL_STROBES 0: The following byte is the number of a discrete command to be executed.

SOL_WAIT 1: Wait for a significant event triggered by the timer (which has already been programmed.)

SOL_SET_TIME 2: The next two bytes are a count to be written to the timer. The timer should be programmed using mode three (square wave.)

SOL_GOTO 3: The next two bytes are the index of the next instruction.

SOL_END_MODE 4: No action should be taken until a new mode is selected. Equivalent to a Halt instruction.

SOL_WAITS 5: Wait for n significant events, where n is the value of the next byte.

SOL_SELECT 6: Select mode number n, where n is the value of the next byte.

SOL_MSWOK 7: Indicates that a mode switch is allowable. If a mode switch is pending, it will occur at this point.

SOL_DTOA 8: The following byte is a set point index. The corresponding value should be written out to the corresponding address.

SOL_PROXY 9: The following byte is a proxy index. The index is not the proxy ID, but rather the index into the array defined in the .SFT file. If the appropriate proxy has been registered, it should be triggered.

SOL_MULT_STROBES 10: The remainder of this record matches the format for the SCDC multi-strobe command, allowing simultaneous switching of solenoids.

Throughout the .sft file, all integers are stored as two bytes with the least significant byte stored first.

Revised September 10, 1992 for V3.0
Reformated for HTML, January 1996
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last updated: Fri May 7 15:14:06 2004
Copyright 2004 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College