

    #include "nl_cons.h"
    void Con_init_options(int argcc, char **argvv);


Con_init_options() processes the command line arguments for the Nortlib Console Functions. The two arguments supported are 'A' and 'a'. Both take an argument which is the name of the console device to open. By default, the first console is that associated with the standard output, but it can be redefined by use of the 'A' option. The 'a' option defines the second and all subsequent consoles. If any device argument is '-', that console is not opened and subsequent output to that index will be supressed.

After each console is opened, an attempt is made to contact getcon to release the console. The 'g' option supresses this release request for consoles appearing later in the command line. This might be appropriate for short-lived programs such as scrpaint (if it used nl_cons) where it is desirable for getcon to keep the console open.

At present, these functions support only QNX consoles. At some point in the future, they may be switched over to use terminfo and hence support arbitrary terminal types.



See Also

Nortlib Console Functions.

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